You can see how many goods have been issued and how many have gone through the cash register. Undetectable theft of weighted products in your store now becomes impossible.
Assistant™ = shop without shoplifts
in a month’s time
no changes visible from the outside
a revolution at the weighing stands
The Assistant™ watches
over every sale in your shop:
Every morning you will know who, what, when and for how much they shoplifted. You will have indisputable evidence from the cash registers, shop scales and security cameras. You will know a lot more than you do now.
This is how The Assistant™ works, the device you will run quickly and easily.

Detects 100% thefts at the weighing stand

Identifies a thief down to the second and a penny
Each detection is supported by proven data from the monitoring of cash registers and scales. No doubts or baseless accusations.

Indicates regular
The owners confirm that the Assistant™ helps to identify people who have long been carrying not only products sold by weight but also those from the store shelves.

team management
Each weighing stand is also protected against malpractice or mistakes by employees. Nothing can just “disappear” or “go wrong anymore”.

Measures the effectiveness
of sellers
You can reward the people who sell the most and proactively implement the plan and train staff thanks to the results not available in any other way.

What you need
is a decision
Neither do you need to change anything in the shop interior or in the operation of the store nor do you need to be an IT specialist. The Assistant™ works quietly in the background and the effects are amazing.
It does work — and we know it because we have stores ourselves. We guarantee that there are more losses than you can think of.
Have a conversation with us about the effects that first shock but then you realize that without them it is difficult to imagine your work. We won't waste your single second:
The Assistant™ is a device and system designed particularly for retail stores
The Assistant™ is a small electronic device hidden under the counter and the IT system available via the network. Its installation takes a snap and the service is as simple as opening an email – you can see everything on the charts, you are given sums of money, the stands and the exact time.
Amazing results thanks to the connection of the Assistant™ to scales and cash registers.
The owners first feel broken then delighted
The Assistant™ is the development of each seller separately
Amazing results thanks to the connection of the Assistant™ to scales and cash registers.
The owners first feel broken then delighted
The Assistant™ is the development of each seller separately

The Assistant™ seals
the store's finances
The inventory begins to look different. Many of your losses are not real losses but thefts. Now you can finally do something about it.
If you have a weighing stand, you should have the Assistant™
This is a solution that already works in many stores
There are already shops where thefts have almost completely disappeared. Now it’s your turn to join them.
You will be robbed today
If you have a weighing stand, you should have the Assistant™
This is a solution that already works in many stores
There are already shops where thefts have almost completely disappeared. Now it’s your turn to join them.
You will be robbed today

You will not replace the Assistant™ by either:
- security guards – large expenses, low efficiency and inconvenience for customers
- replacing the staff – a new person does not guarantee new quality
- monitoring – this is only a small part of the actions needed
…or with your time – because you can’t take care of everything yourself. What the Assistant™ gives you is unique and has no replacement.
The choice is simple – It’s either the assistant or thefts remain at the old level.

Make an appointment - we will schedule the presentation
During the presentation you will see everything that makes almost every shop owner announce the purchase of the Assistant™ or has already done so:
- a system from the inside and sample reports
- operation of the system on a daily basis
- real-life examples
All confirmed by surveillance recordings from the shops that already use the Assistant™.
Getting to know the scale of hidden thefts can be a difficult experience but the Assistant™ shows the things that happen in the stores anyway, here and now even now when you are reading this.
It’s better to know:
The only IT from store owners to store owners
SimpleStep is a Polish start-up implementing projects around the world and at the same time people running their own food establishment.
We know the problems of store owners inside out and we know how to address them.

This what the owners write to us after installing the Assistant™:
See what they say about
the changes in the shops.
You don't have to decide now or learn programming to change your attitude toward your work. The only thing you should do is just contact us.
This is your money that is taken from you, literally every moment and you won't do anything without the Assistant™. The Assistant™ is a simple and profitable and at the same time very shocking revolution you won't do anything without. Let's start with a conversation...